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Monday, 19 May 2008

How To Write A Problem Solving Article

If you are like me then topics and ideas for writing articles about my product, service or niche can be tricky and getting started even worse.
You will probably know the problems people have in your industry. If you don't then you should find out by asking your customers or searching on the internet. Forums can be a great source for finding problems people in your market suffer.
Over time I have found that writing to a formula works well as it gives you something to hang your words on and breaks up the writing into manageable chunks.
The problem solving article works so well because you have the opportunity to show that you know what you are talking about and help the reader at the same time. You build a relationship and they are more receptive to purchasing your services or products as a result.
Here is a simple formula that breaks up the task of writing your article into simple chunks that will make writing your next article a breeze.
Generally there are two main types of problem solving article:
"How to Articles" (eg "How to write the perfect article")
"Tips & Tricks" (eg "10 ways to promote your article")
Make the title of your article compelling to draw people in. Also, try to make your title unique that way when you search for it in the search engines (using the title of your article in quotes) you will know that all the entries which come up will be for your article.
Your opening sentence is vital. You need to grab the attention of the reader or they will not read your article. Here are some ideas to get you started:
Did you know that...
How many times have you...
Here’s an easy way to...
Next state the problem and make your first point followed by a more in-depth description. State your other points and go into more details for each.
Once you have finished making your points begin to wrap up your article with a summary and conclusion.
Finally you should end you master piece of problem solving with a call to action to get the reader to think or do something. That way when they see your resource box they are more likely to click on the link to your site or call you up.
Always check to make sure that your title still makes sense with respect to your article. Double check to make sure there are no spelling or grammatical errors.
So that's it. Problem solving articles help you build a strong relationship with your readers (customers) and are easy to write when you follow the simple formula.
Now go write your article and watch your business grow.

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